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Kahala Jiu Jitsu

3.9(7 reviews)

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Yeah You

Mar 14, 2023

Its a life school not a fight school. Great atmosphere, Daynin is an awesome Sensei especially with the kids.

James Engle

Apr 24, 2022

Excellent jiu jitsu academy for kids. Great teacher. Empowers the students. Highly recommended.

Koko Tanaka

Oct 7, 2023

we had high hopes when we enrolled our kids into this Academy, they seem to have a good philosophy, training. The biggest issue that we have with Kahala jusitsu is the lack of teachers and organizations, classes are way too big, and there’s not enough teachers, they don’t even have enough teachers to run their school when the owner goes on vacation, even though they’re on vacation or having days off to get organized, they still charge you for the school, basically just a scam to get a paid vacation. The money is one thing, but we plan our life surrounded after kids activities so it’s hard to be consistent when the school opens and closes erratically or you have to make plans while the owner goes on our three week vacation. Our deciding factor to remove our kids was when I was watching almost 30 students roll around unsupervised for about five minutes, only one teacher, class was out of control. I noticed one kid had another kid in the neck locked, but nobody was watching, could’ve been a very dangerous situation. The owner seems to be a little bit full of herself, and and the school is just self appreciation programs for her ego (all she ever does is talk about her own accomplishments and how wonderful her life is), I watch her on award ceremonies, or when she does grace the class with her presence, she seemed disconnected, she was calling out different kids names and giving them wrong belts as you’re doing the promotions, not very connected with her class One of the other, deciding factors, when a child, is not feeling it one day the one teacher just made her sit in the corner and shamed her for disrupting the class, really no proper training for the teachers on how to deal with kids, I would definitely not recommend sending kid to this class, they just had a rate increase, which makes him the most expensive class on island . I would definitely shop around before leaving my kids with him, you’ll get a better bang for your buck elsewhere and probably a safer environment.

Sharon Schleif

Dec 14, 2018

Great place I highly recommend it

Pualei Circle

Nov 5, 2023

The most frightening part about the school is the complete arrogance and unawareness of the owner and staff. On paper, they say they practice the philosophy of jujitsu, but in a reality, it’s the money grab,pack as many students into an unsafe situation with minimal staff. The scary part is I did bring this up to the owner and voice my concerns in the dangers that I saw when you have 30 something students running around with one unqualified teacher, her response was, “we are sorry, but your child is welcome back anytime,”. It got to the point where our children no longer enjoyed the class just because it was so unorganized, you will be charged a monthly fee, and there will be no discounts when the teacher goes on vacation or they take their “organization days”, it seems like with all their organization days are completely unorganized and don’t run a very safe/organized studio. The last couple weeks of practice, there was minimal supervision, kids,just running around playing at will, I did see kids being put into chokehold from time to time with no teachers being aware of these dangerous situations, I would definitely not take my kid there and I’m warning to other parents not to endanger your child with this unorganized, and professional jujitsu class. You would think with their last 25% tuition increased they might hire some qualified teachers, but it’s just the money grab for the owner with no real interest in running safe studio with trained staff

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220, 3226, 1215 Center St, Honolulu, HI 96816

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